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Passwords are great. They try to keep your information safe by trying to stop just anybody from hopping onto your accounts. It’s important to keep passwords strong in order to ensure that no one can guess or hack your accounts and compromise your personal information.
It’s also important to keep passwords unique for your individual accounts. If you use the same password, even if it’s a strong one, for all your accounts, you are still at risk. All someone needs to do is figure out one password or hack into one site and get your password and they can use it on all your other accounts as well.
So, since you will need strong and unique passwords for every account, how are you going to remember all your passwords? You can keep passwords written in a book somewhere but there are two flaws to that strategy.
First of all, how are you going to make sure no one gets a hold of the book and is privy to all your accounts? Sure, most people you know are trustworthy, but you never really know until the unthinkable happens. And then, what if you lost the book? That would be a disaster. You wouldn’t be able to get into any of your accounts.
Second, you would need to bring this book with you everywhere. How else will you log into your accounts from your phone or at work? That gives you an even greater risk of losing the book or having someone steal it. If you put a piece of paper in your wallet or purse, someone may end up stealing your wallet or purse and get a bonus; access to all your accounts!
So, I believe we’ve successfully proven that if you keep passwords in a physical form somewhere you are making a big mistake. What to do then? How can you keep passwords in a memorable and secure place? The answer is to use a password manager.
The Best Place to Keep Passwords
You aren’t the only person who has dealt with the problem of having to remember all your passwords. In fact, the demand for a safe and reliable way to keep passwords for numerous accounts is what led people to create a password manager.
Password managers help you in a variety of ways when it comes to safe password usage. They can help you create the strongest passwords for all your accounts through a password generator. It will suggest a random password that is long and uses numbers and symbols to make them extremely hard to crack. They will also let you know if you are using the same password for more than one account. Remember when we talked about the importance of having unique passwords for your accounts? Well, password managers help you with that as well.
Password managers will also keep a log of all your passwords for your many accounts. It is estimated that the average person has 130 different accounts online. That is way too many passwords to keep track of. They will not only remember them for you, but they can automatically fill in your username and password to most website accounts. Some websites don’t allow for automated form fill in, but for these, you can still find the password through the password manager logs.
Don’t try to remember your passwords or create passwords on your own. The internet is a dangerous place and there are thousands of people trying to look for a way to use it illegally. Protect yourself from these people and use a password manager to keep passwords strong and unique so that you don’t become a victim of hackers.
*VPN services are prohibited in some jurisdictions, as well as subject to content providers or websites’ operators’ terms of use. We recommend you ensure you are legally allowed to use the VPN services prior to any use or registration. We don not encourage the use of a VPN for illegal purposes in any manner.